How can we help you?

Products in service mode (equipment rental)

Due to competitive prices, advantageous financing conditions and the fact that maintenance is included, many of our clients choose to rent their equipment. Contracts may start at one month up to an indefinite period and, as part of the service, they include the replacement and repair of the equipment for the duration of the contract.

Critical equipment replacement contracts.

Repurchase of unused material

MercadoIT offers you the safest and fastest way of selling your excess stock. We want the process to be convenient for our clients and, since we are aware that each client is different, we offer different degrees of logistics according to our client’s demands: disconnection, classification, packaging and transport.


You select the components you need from our wide range of products. We help you purchase them by recommending you the financing that best suits the needs of your business. A service that is flexible, tailored to your needs, competitive, global and responsive.


We offer our clients counselling without the constraints of being tied to a single brand. Our goal is to offer you the best value for your money in all your projects. Top brands, for marketing reasons, have to renew their models every year. We, on the other hand, believe using earlier models may help you save up to 90% off the listed price. MercadoIT is made up by a team of experts in IT projects who will always provide unbiased information about the equipment and network electronics brands which are best adapted to your projects.

Disposal and recycling

Excess stock and unused material are a problem, not only because of the space they take up, but because electronic components contain toxic and dangerous substances such as lead, cadmium or mercury. Since August 2005, Spanish regulations require manufacturers, sellers and distributors to properly dispose of, treat and recover electronic products. For all these reasons, MercadoIT is committed to helping our clients to conveniently dispose of this material, while at the same time obtaining a financial return on it. Ask us for an evaluation and we will take care of the disposal of your material for free.

Extension of the service life of end-of-life equipment

The secondary market is the best source of obsolete or hard to find products. By combining this fact with our in-depth knowledge of the market, we make it possible for our clients to extend the service life of their systems virtually indefinitely.
